Friday, April 17, 2015

Are You A Sexual Superstar?

Are you a Sexual Superstar?

1. Do you think about sex at least five times a day?

A. Never (Sex? What is sex?)
B. Sometimes (Yes, you can count the fact you are thinking about it right now in order to fill this out.)
C. Always (Go ahead and admit it, it’s hard to even focus on this questionnaire because you are thinking about sex right now)

2. Do you have mutually enjoyable sex at least three times a week?

A. Never (Sex? What is sex?)
B. Sometimes (It doesn’t count if you are doing it with yourself.)
C. Always (You lucky dog!)

3. Do you feel comfortable talking to your children about sex, which includes admitting you and your significant other are enjoying it with each other?

A. Never (Sex?  What is sex?)
B. Sometimes (No, it doesn’t count if telling them NEVER to have sex is the only thing you ever tell them about sex.)
C. Always (You don’t even blush when you tell them that the night they were conceived was the BEST night of your life.)

4. Does your significant other tell you how wonderful you are sexually and how much they enjoy being pleasured by you?

A. Never (Sex? Who said I was having sex?)
B. Sometimes (No it doesn’t count if the last time they told you was the first time you had sex.)
C. Always (You lucky dog!)

5. If you have to choose between your favorite thing (not person) in the world (e.g. hobby/food/car/jewelry) or having mutually enjoyable, mind-blowing sex, would you chose sex over this one thing?

A. Never (Sex? It’s one of life’s choices? Who knew?)
B. Sometimes (Oh this is a hard one.  You know I would look so good in that cherry red corvette, eating a fudge sundae on the way to the jewelry store.)
C. Always (You are a very SMART person knowing sex is the only thing you can take with you wherever you go, well almost EVERYWHERE you go.)

6. Do you send your significant other at least 10 naughty sexts in one week?

A. Never (Sexts? What are sexts?)
B. Sometimes (“Bring me home some bread and chips on the way home from work, sexy” does NOT count.)
C. Always (I’d ask you to share some of the texts but it might make some people blush, so save it for your lover.)

7. When you finish having sex, is the first thing that runs through your mind, “That was awesome, I can’t wait to do it again!”

A. Never (Sex? When did I ever say I had sex?)
B. Sometimes (I’ll give you credit for this one if at one time sex was so awesome that you passed out first and thought about doing it again right after you maintained consciousness.)
C. Always (You might be a nymphomaniac, but that is a GOOD thing when you are with another nymphomaniac, so you just keep enjoying each other!)

8. Do you feel comfortable sharing your sexual fantasies with your significant other and then live those fantasies out with each other?

A. Never (Uhm, excuse me.  When did I ever tell you I had a sexual fantasy?)
B. Sometimes (No, it doesn’t count if you imagined yourself telling your significant other that you would like to tell them about your sexual fantasy.)
C. Always (Oooh, it’s getting very steamy in here.)

9. Do you walk around with a silly grin on your face just thinking about how good your last sexual encounter was and knowing you are the luckiest person in the whole world because your significant other is walking around with the same silly grin?

A. Never (Smile?  Who smiles?)
B. Sometimes (It doesn’t’ count if your last sexual encounter was longer than a year ago.)
C. Always (Don’t you EVER wipe that silly grin off your face young man/woman!”

10. Reading through this questionnaire has you completely turned on and makes you want to go get your significant other and make passionate love to him/her.

A. Never. (Not on your life.)
B.  Sometimes. (You are starting to get that tingly feeling but don’t know if your partner would be feeling the same way.)
C.  Always. (You’ve already texted them and are on your way to meet them!!!!!)
A.      Give yourself a 1 for each “A”.
B.      Give yourself a 2 for each “B”.
C.      Give yourself a 10 for each “C”.

You are a Sexual Superstar!!
Woohoo.  I totally celebrate you!! You and your partner are rocken it out and are probably both grinning from ear to ear constantly.  The world needs more couples like you. I would like to hear from you so I can learn from you and share your secrets with the world.  You may be featured on my next newsletter!  Please contact me with your score so we can talk!!

You are a Sexual Wanna-Be.
You want to have a good sexual relationship with someone but you don’t have all the tools to make that happen (and I’m not talking “tools”, you’ve got the “tools”, I mean the strategies and knowledge you need to make a relationship work and include life-long intimacy.  You want to learn but have never met the right person you felt comfortable asking for help.  You’ve bought all of the “how-to”  magazines/books but they haven’t helped.  They don’t allow you to get honest and vulnerable about your struggles relating to the opposite sex. You want to enjoy a great relationship which includes life- long intimacy but you don’t have a clue as to how make that work. You no longer have an excuse. You have now been introduced to me and your prayers have been answered. I once was in your shoes.  I was in a marriage where we didn’t feel comfortable talking about or engaging in sex.  It was very awkward and ended up being a very “touchy” subject (sorry for the play on words).  It was suggested I go to see a Sex Therapist to see what was wrong with me. Now that I’m out of that relationship, I can see what most of our problems stemmed from, most of what was the mental crud in our heads.  I’m now on the other side of the fence and enjoying the best emotional and sexual relationship ever.  I’m here to teach you everything you need to learn to help you become a Sexual Superstar! Contact me ASAP to schedule your complimentary strategy call to see how we can make that happen.

You are Sexually Needy
It’s not your fault.  You probably grew up thinking sex was NOT something you talked about, let alone enjoyed.  There is no shame or guilt. As a man you may have learned everything you know about sex in the locker room from other 14 year old boys who were as clueless as you. Or if you are a woman, you grew up thinking sex is just something you do to get a man to choose you, marry you and get you pregnant.  It’s really not your fault.  You just need someone who grew up with all of the WRONG belief systems about sex and now is enjoying the BEST sex life ever, to educate you on how wonderful sex can be when understood, appreciated and enjoyed.  You need someone you can feel comfortable sharing with, which is one of my strengths.  Call me ASAP so we can schedule your complimentary strategy call

You are Sexually Deprived!
You are in desperate need of my help!!!  I’m surprised your sexual parts haven’t shriveled up and died. All joking aside, you probably have never had someone teach you how important sex can be in a relationship, let alone taught you all the secrets that make it a mutually enjoyable experience. There is no guilt or shame involved.  I want to help you “get out of your head so you can enjoy more pleasure in bed” by helping you reframe all of the negative belief systems you may have surrounding sex.  I want you to get yourself emotionally healthy so you can love and appreciate YOURSELF.  I want to teach you about the opposite sex and how they think/feel/act/react.  I want to help you know how to enjoy mutually enjoyable relationships which include mind altering sex.  Contact me IMMEDIATELY so we can schedule a complimentary coaching call to get you on your journey to sexual/intimacy happiness and fulfilment.

Stacy Rothenberger, MS CCC-SLP, CLC
Relationship and Mindset Coach

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