Friday, May 8, 2015

Sexuality Assessment

My purpose in talking/writing about sex is to help demystify the whole negative mindset surrounding sex. I want you to become more comfortable with yourself and your sexuality.  I want you to not only be able to talk about it but to actually enjoy it, preferably with someone else who will mutually enjoy it with you.

But before we can improve something, we need to assess our current situation.

As a Life Coach, that’s what I do.  I ask people to share with me: (1)what they want, (2)what isn’t working in their lives, (3)what it is costing them to stay stuck in this situation and (4)what their lives would look like if things could change. 

So here we go. 

Take the time to answer these two questions.  Don’t rush through them.  Get a pencil right now. I mean it.  Go get a pencil and allow some time to honestly reflect on these questions and then actually write down your answers.  Don’t tell me you can answer them in your head.  Write your answers down! If you don’t, I will hunt you down and make you wish you had. Seriously.  This is something you need to do, so take my advice and do it!

(1) Describe where you are with your sex life right now. Do you hate it? Do you not have enough time for it? Do you want more of it? Are you totally repulsed by it? Are you mad that your significant other or someone else suggested you read it?  This is your time to be honest. You aren’t going to hurt my feelings, so write it down.

(2)What is your first association with sex?  How old were you?  What was happening? Who was involved? Try to write down as many of the sensual feelings you were experiencing (think 5 senses: smell, taste, sight, sound and smell) as well as the emotional feelings surrounding it (fear, shock, excitement). Some of you may have stumbled across your Father’s Playboys.  Or you caught someone in the act. How did you feel?  Take the time to write down all of the feelings/emotions/reactions/etc.
Believe it or not, so many of our current belief systems/mindsets/behaviors stem back to childhood.  If you are like me, and were brought up to believe that sex was something that was “naughty” or only to be used in the context of marriage, you may still be operating within that mindset.  Sex is NOT naughty.  It is a beautiful gift God gave two consenting adults who care for each other and want to experience a type of intimacy that can only happen through the combining of their bodies and souls.

I know that sex is not the most comfortable subject to talk about, yet it can be one of the most pleasurable ways of drawing two human beings together.

My hope is that by me talking about sex the following will happen: (1) more people will feel comfortable talking about it and it will become less of a taboo subject, (2) it will help educate those who don’t know much about the topic, (3) it will improve relationships which are struggling, (4) it will prevent some individuals from having to go through the pain of affairs and (5) more couples will experience mutually enjoyable relationships which includes satisfying and pleasurable sex.

Stacy Rothenberger, M.S. CCC-SLP
Certified Mindset and Relationship Life Coach
Communication Disorders Expert
Keynote Speaker

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